AB Lietuvos draudimas

“Lietuvos draudimas” is the largest, most experienced and leading insurance company in Lithuania, as well as the largest insurance company in the Baltic states. Every third resident of Lithuania chooses a reliable and modern company – “Lietuvos draudimas”.

Key facts:

  • “Lietuvos draudimas” is the largest non-life insurance service provider in Lithuania and manages more than one-third of the non-life insurance market in the country.
  • We provide services to nearly 0.5 million private and corporate customers annually.
  • We offer our clients one of the largest insurance service networks consisting of nearly 100 divisions in all cities and towns across the country.
  • We indemnify our clients in respect of losses resulting from claims for approximately EUR 70 million every year.
  • Special attention is paid to customer confidence – 40% of the insured select services provided by “Lietuvos draudimas” in Lithuania, and 9 out of 10 clients recommend our services to others (“Non-life Insurance Market Survey 2015” carried out by UAB “Socialinės informacijos centras”).
  • Day after day our clients are serviced by more than 1,100 of “Lietuvos draudimas” employees, for whom we are the best and most attractive place to work.
  • “Lietuvos draudimas” was selected as the Best Employer 2015 in the Baltic States. Our company has been awarded with the Best Employer’s Award for 4 years in succession and is among Central and Eastern Europe’s Top 10 employers.

Shareholders of “Lietuvos draudimas”:

  • Our shareholder is the largest insurance group PZU S.A in Central and Eastern Europe.
  • PZU Group with a history reaching back more than 200 years was founded in 1803 in Poland and is an active player in the life and non-life insurance market and pension and investment funds.
  • PZU S.A. manages the following two insurance companies in Lithuania: non-life insurance company “Lietuvos draudimas” and life insurance company “PZU gyvybės draudimas”.